Thread: Pedal Love?

Hey, no unshared is useless to everyone! BTW, another really odd Chinese pedal that the synth crowd might like is the Aural Dream Breath Delay. This simply looks like a basic ol' analog delay...but then, there's that "NO - GH" toggle switch and what IT does. And what that is is that it puts a sustain on the feedback path of sorts, and the result is that the delay tails stay at an even level and DON'T decay. Used properly (like, with a sequencer-driven line), the effect is just stunning! It's sort of like a Palmer Timepressor, but in the Breath Delay's case the tail compression is fixed. And it's loads cheaper than the Palmer! Aural Dream has a number of very odd stompboxes like that...I also have their Super Ring, sort of a tremolo...until you crank the oscillator in it into audio range and yeeeeeeeOW!