ModularGrid Rack
Hey everyone! So recently, I have finally dipped my toes into the modular waters & bought myself a Mantis case, Plaits & a Maths. Before getting into starting my case, I had already been planning for about 2-3 years, doing an insane amount of research, playing around on VCV rack & making hundreds of revisions to so many case sketches. Recently, I think I’ve finally managed to solidify (or at least put together something cohesive) my rack plan! My goal is to make an instrument that is geared towards sound design with lots of modulation, some controllable random, & some rhythmic capabilities. As you can see, there are no dedicated sequencers in the rack. However, outside of the rack I have 3 sequencers already. I am currently using one of the Elektron Analog 4’s CV channels to sequence Plaits, with the 3 other CV channels free for any other duties once I start getting more modules. I also have a Machinedrum & a Digitakt (so I’m covered on drums) which I will use for sequencing duties as well via a cv.ocd box. As for a full featured stereo mixer, I am looking to add a desktop mixer, as I never do any type of panning or actual mixing until everything is recorded into the DAW. The Levit8 is there as a way of giving everything its own I/O within the rack so that I can then route them externally but it’s also a plus that it can be used to attenuate/polarize signals & has submixes available. I am not totally married to anything in this plan except for the Shapeshifter (I have compared it to the E352 & the wavetables are too smooth for my taste), Filter 8 & PNW (the expander is an optional thought but I can always just sync it via a pulse from one of the Machinedrum’s various outputs). I am having trouble with the next steps as to which modules I should look to add with Plaits & Maths. Are there enough VCA’s? Is anything redundant? I would like to hear your thoughts, feedback, & different angles of approaching things! Sorry for such a long post but I wanted to give everyone a thorough background & insight into my plans & what I have going on currently! Thank you, I can’t wait to discuss!

PS. I know there is only a uBurst in the rack as far as effects go, but I have a 3U 104HP rack planned solely for effects! I would just like to tackle the meat & potatoes first!