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For complex oscillator, if I had the rack space and cash, my bet would be for either the Verbos Complex Oscillator or the Furthrrrr Generator those are both superb!

But getting back to utilities and so forth, the larger all in one VCA modules like Intellijel Quad VCA and Befaco Hex VCA are great ways to not run out. I have these in my systems and use them a lot. Also for mults, a buffered 4 channel mult is the way to go. I did not think that I would use these a lot but after you are done a boring patch from a VCO to a VCF to VCA you realize more to life is good than just boring drones. I learned why VCAs are great when I started using my Batumi LFO to modulate things. Being able to use 4 VCAs with the Batumi and my two oscillators was super awesome.