Hi Garfield. Thanks for checking it out.
The patch was mostly just Rings with an Arpitecht clocked with Pamela's New Workout. I had a Zlob Diode Chaos slowly modulating the notes and rhythm parameters on the Arpitecht so that it shifted a bit over time, with the Odd output of Rings going through a Ripples filter, and both outputs of the Rings going into a Milky Way. I think I may have used some LFOs from Quadrax into the Ripples and Milky Way. You can sort of see the patch I used in the track photo on Bandcamp.
The only thing I did outside the modular was split the recorded one-take track in two within Garageband and layer the two halves so that they played off each other subtly with a tiny bit of panning. Fairly simple, quick, and lo-fi.
I'm typically inspired to make noisy, error-ridden, and glitchy music: Dark ambient, musique concrete, harsh noise, and that sort of thing, but I appreciate melodic and traditionally rhythmic stuff too.
Again, I really appreciate you listening. I'll be posting more experiments soon. Take care!