Hi JonoVizion,

I miss a bit the classic components in your rather small rack. Please check the basics of oscillators, LFOs (I don't see any in your current rack), envelopes, filters (I don't see any in your rack), VCAs, etcetera.

I see you got VCAs, envelopes and I think I saw one oscillator. Then you got quite a few "fancy modules" but getting your basic components done first is my recommendation. Then later once you got more experience you can add some more fancy modules depending on your needs.

The rack I feel is too small, so consider at least 3 rows and if possible a wider case. Keep one row empty first for future expansion.

Yes, I know the Octasource is a great module and is in fact a kind of crazy LFO. I got that one myself and I love it but you need just a classic/default LFO too. Consider to add at least one other oscillator, so you have at least two ("normal") oscillators, you will need them.

Good luck with the planning and my advice is to read up on synthesizer basics (if not done already) and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads