The clock divider I don't really have much of an idea how to use just at the moment. Triggers, random sources, direct control, you're losing me with all this stuff. I will keep scouring youtube and picking up what tips I can.

I would definitely suggest getting a good grasp of exactly what is a trigger, and how that relates to your current modules before getting additional hardware. Same for random sources, et al. Nothing will unlock your modules like understanding essential abc's. Agree that there are good online video resources, such as Monotrail Tech Talk or the like...

You definitely have enough to be able to sequence some Berlin style sounds now, so perhaps spend time on learning synthesis vs. on more modules that will only add to the complexity of a system.

Jumping in and patching relentlessly will teach you many things very quickly. When you get particulalrly stuck, go back to internet for ideas/solution, then keep pushing forward! Don't worry about making mistakes or "patching incorrectly"....that's most of the fun of modular, the exploratory aspect of it all.

Edit: Also, sitting down with the manual for each module goes a long way.

“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche