yeah, like i said, i just decided to design this for fun. i intended to go a bit overboard, ie using a whole nerdseq for just 1 bass tone. i want to be doing most of the performance on the tukra, so i want that to be the clock for most of it, as i like how its clock control works, but yes, i would program in the whole set into the nerdseq first. i think you dont fully understand how the tukra works. i checked out the albert ayler, but tbh i prefer snarky puppy and moondog. also, to the point about lugging it to gigs, if i had to, i could can a whole live performance, then do live visuals on a laptop and work the croud on stage. i really wish you would consider this design for its own merits rather than suggest i do things more the way other people typically do. i get that its a lot of units and a big price tag, but thats what i set out to do. i wanted to make a maximal system. i just want to know if you think its too maximal, or doesnt makr any sense. this is a 'dream system'. i just want to know if you even like it. peace. peace. peace.