Progspiration is offering excellent guidance. You will need more space to get the most out of this. You can read back through years of beginner posts here, and so many of those new to modular have a similar tiny case idea, and the guidance is and will always be the same. Yes, a tiny case will make sound, but it won't be interesting for very long. Get a bigger rack to start with. You will want and need to expand quickly if you don't want to get frustrated with the limitations of this proposed palette case. The goal is for this instrument to provide years of fun and inspiration, so give yourself room to grow into a versatile rack that won't be stale in a few months.
Maybe it only makes sense after you get your hands on a few modules. My own initial plan was actually to have a decent sized 9u 104hp beginner rack, and that quickly doubled within a year's time. Once you understand the value and necessity of attenuverters, envelopes, LFOs, VCAs, switches, S&H, logic, and all of the other stuff that makes a synthesizer work, I think the general beginner guidance starts to make more sense.
Have fun and good luck!