Thanks for looking and for the feedback! Obviously I have a lot to learn, and appreciate the places to look into more. I had heard the terms exponential and linear used with VCAs but couldn't really conceptualize the difference. I had thought of stages primarily as an envelope generator, and it has a variable response that I thought I could get exponential, but was I mistaken? Does it do envelopes differently than something like Maths?

I had not heard about the issues with placing audio modules next to power supplies. Oops! More research and placement experimentation to come. As for other placement issues, my mental map was to have the Pam's and the VCAs near the center with my sequencing and sound sources on the left and sound shaping/modulation on the right, but still playing around with what feels comfortable to tweak in more of a performance setting.

Again, thanks for responding. I so appreciate seeing yours and others' feedback on racks. I know it must get tiring seeing all of us noobs coming in with so little understanding, but I'm grateful for your willingness to share your wisdom!