Speaking of VCAs...you might not want that quad VCA module that's right before the output mixer. It's got four DC-coupled linear VCAs...and what you want are exponential VCAs at that particular point. Reason is: we don't perceive apparent loudness as a linear function. The decibel scale is an exponential curve. Plus, DC to mixer to amp = potential for lots of smoke and damage to your speakers.

So...yank the Tangle Quartet first, then shift the NE quad to the TQ's former slot (which is the perfect place for linear/DC-coupled VCAs). Slide everything left by 2 hp, then you'll have an 8 hp hole by the mixer into which you can drop a Doepfer A-132-4 and have 2 extra hp, or just yank the NE itself and replace it with the Doepfer. Or any of a number of options, but the swap looks extremely doable...just depends on how it works with your build.