I would choose IME Piston Honda MK2 over Kermit for your VCO. More musical and better options. Kermit excels as a quad modulation source since the oscillator is too harsh in most cases. I recommend put a case together here and share the link so we can help you better. You need support utilities like attenuator, mults and so forth. I highly recommend the Kinks and Links combo from Mutable Instruments or something like Links and WMD SSF Toolbox.
-- sacguy71
Thanks, i edit my post, now theres the link with my rack.
I was hesitating between the DPO make noise, the piston honda, and the kermit, different quality, complexity and also different price... As im a bit new in that world i dont understand yet how the attenuator, mults and so forth will help me: its a way to increasethe potentiality of each module by adding more connexion available ? i dont find the kinks and links combo so i put the WMD SSF on my rack.