Yep, you'd BETTER keep that Doepfer cab...because, as we all know, empty Eurorack spaces have the ability to summon modules to fill them! Do not anger the wandering Eurorack modules!

The other thing is that Case From Lake has THE cab you want...go and check out their pages on Reverb (or right now, Facebook; they seem to have blown thru their stock listed on Reverb!), and lo and behold, they've got "flat" cabs that curve slightly to raise the top and middle rows, making for a much better ergonomic result. The other thing I like about them is that they can and do modify their base-level designs. More power? Extra tile rows? Extra width? Yeah, they do that. Plus...and this is the huge one...they're CHEAP! You normally don't see cabs like theirs without prices that go several hundred higher.