IMHO what you've put together is sort of like a collection of desktop synths in one rack, which is cool but I think won't really let you enjoy everything modular has to offer. I put something together that tries to hit the same key points but that's also got a bit more flexibility and modulation capabilities.

ModularGrid Rack

Here's what I changed:
1) Swapped the Behringer oscillators with a Dixie II+. In a rack this size I'm not sure you can really fit 3 voices easily and the Dixie is a great single voice with integrated sub out and a lot of features. Shrinking this down lets us fit in a
2) Maths instead of the Dual Micro ADSR. One of my favorite modules and lets you do a ton, the illustrated manual covers like 30+ different patches that all do something cool and help you understand the full potential of a modular system
3) Removed the Wasp as similar to #1 I don't think you have room for 2 filters
4) Shrunk Plaits into a Beehive to make some more space
5) Fit in a Cold Mac to open up a bunch of logic and modulation capabilities and to find interesting ways to tie different elements together via its various output CVs, all coordinated by its main big old knob.

Assuming the general plan laid out here resonates, there's a variety of different paths you could take (Rampage over Maths, Miso over Cold Mac, STO over Dixie II+) so don't necessarily grab these exact modules, but give some thought to whether this might be a more open ended instrument that you could learn from while also making cool tunes.