How is using a derogatory term, as defined by the link I sent, against a whole group of people not xenophobia?

Why am I explaining this?

Why does degree of offensiveness matter?

Why be offensive like that, even just a little bit?

Thin edge of the wedge? Once one person is accepted as being okay to throw slurs around about groups of people, who's to say it's not okay for the next person? Where to draw the line?

I say just don't do it at all!

As I say, what was being said didn't require the use of xenophobic language and it still doesn't.

Someone has to stand up against this outdated and mind-numbingly pointless behaviour, no matter how small it is...

By all means start throwing around the n-word - there are groups of people here in the UK who seem to think that is acceptable, therefore everyone else should accept it right? Er... no!