Sure...just click on my version, then use the "copy rack" function at the top to copy it to your account's builds. And yeah, the way this is set up now makes it much easier to build each subsection individually. My suggestion for starting would be to get the top row and the Performance Mixer, plus one or two of the modulation sources and the Tenderfoot attenuverters. From that, you'll start to get a sense of the raw power that I've hidden in this...this build ain't no joke! Rather, it's a "system core" from which you can expand outwards, with ample capabilities for just that.
-- Lugia

Nice. The performance mixer is definitely a big improvement, and I was strongly considering its addition. The rack is copied over to my account.

I am pretty excited as a modular setup was something I have considered for over 18 months, and will provide me with a specialized setup for Techno music. In addition, I will be able to reclaim a lot of studio space. I presently own close to 30 synths and 10 drum machiness/grooveboxes, but only keep a limited amount setup in the studio. Nevertheless, it still clutters my studio more than I prefer, and it could use some improvements for Techno music. The other genres of music that I create are vocal based, and are generally better suited for in-the-box music production. A eurorack makes a lot of sense for my situation.