First of all, DON'T decase the Pitt Lifeforms synths and put them in here. All you'll really accomplish is making them more expensive to REhouse and REpower, and losing space for actual modules that need those things. Here's how the math works on that...

EP-270 = $649. $649 / 270 = $2.40. Each 1 hp space in the cab breaks down to that.
Lifeforms SV-1 = $649 x 2 = $1298. This is the street for both SV-1s together.
The SV-1 occupies 48 hp. 48 x 2 = 96 hp.
96 x $2.40 = $230.40. So in the end, recasing these runs their price up to $764.20 EACH. Double that for both = $1528.40.

If you didn't pay $1528 and change for them in the first place, why do it now? Leave them where they belong.

Now, as for the module complement itself...some of what's in here is needlessly expensive. Why, for example, would you use the Grp ADSR (at $167) when the same basic thing can be had for TWO for $151 with the Doepfer A-140-2? It just needs 2 more hp, which should be easy enough to acquire once the Pitt SV-1s are back where they go. Or the ALM Tangle Quartets...8 VCAs for $398 in 16 hp...and an Erogenous Tones VC8 gives you eight in 18 hp, with 2 breakable mixer paths, for $319? And so on...what you might want to do is to go back and see if you can bring the cost on this DOWN; once the Pitts are out, you have expansion space to work with. That also means that whatever you can save over what devices are here already can then go into adding MORE functionality in the newly-opened space.

Also, farkas makes a very good point, in that it makes much more sense from a functional standpoint to NOT have the drums in here. For one thing, that's a lot of tangle going back and forth between the KSP...and lots of interconnection just means more potential for something going wrong. His suggestion is very if you can snag a Blck_noir for $599, you can just as easily snag an RD-8 for $398 and have $$$ left to pair it up with an RD-6 for $179, and you come out $22 AHEAD. Just on the money aspect alone, this makes more say nothing of having the PROPER working paradigm for Tha D (although, in truth, waiting for an RD-9 makes more sense as that was more like what was really used much of the time: the Roland TR-909). But not having the 606 hats and such (and the RD-6 just happens to also have the Boss DR110 clap, too) means you're missing part of the percussion palette for that style. AND you get two channels of trigger sequencing with it, to boot.

Of course, if you wanted to go with the REAL Detroit working model, you wouldn't buy ANY of this...and instead, go poke around pawn shops and the like. That's what Juan, Derrick and Kevin did...and they launched an entirely new musical movement using those "junk store" instruments. You could say the same for people like Larry Heard in Chi, too. Might not be so easy to pawn shop dive these days, but there's always eBay and Reverb. A good example of how this worked can be heard on some of Derrick May's tracks like "Nude Photo"...where a lot of the "analog bass" is actually coming from...

...wait for it...

...a Yamaha DX100. No lie.