I'm sure others will chime in with great advice, but IMHO the problem here is that you just don't have enough modulation or basic utilities (a common problem round these parts), and without those patchability goes down quite a bit... and you might as well use a desktop synth. I have a set of modules I tend to recommend for that, Links, Kinks, Batumi, O/a/x2, Zadar, add a few of those and then you could probably use a distortion module or a wavefolder, maybe some of the Noise Engineering modules. If you move in that direction I think you'll find some possibilities open up and that you'll keep learning.
-- troux

Right on, thanks for the advice. I had thought about that at first but I figured between maths, hermod and the env outs on smr I would have had enough modulation sources for a build of this size. Maybe not....and yes now that I know a bit more I definitely want to get a wavefolder in here for sure. Any patch suggestions as is though?

Have you tried using the Rings string/organ Easter egg? I use that quite a bit. Rings and Clouds were two of my first modules and truth be told, I don't really care for them that much. They're ok, but they're not very inspirational for me (especially Clouds).
One module you may want to consider is the Synthesis Technology E352 Cloud Terrarium. I wasn't immediately smitten with it but I love it now. It checks the ambient AND dark boxes for you. It's a big module though. I've been concentrating more on analog VCOs, filters, and LPGs lately, so I may not be the right person to really answer this question for you.
Looking at your rack, it looks like you would probably benefit from considerably more modulation sources (Zadar, Batumi, Quadrax, random, etc.). The 4ms SWN might fit the bill for you since it has built-in LFOs and the wavetables can do pretty or dark.
Have fun and good luck!
-- farkas

Thank you also for the advice..I had not looked in to the E352 before, definitely like what I hear there. I'm into the idea of going in a more analog direction as well, so open to any suggestions you may have in that regard. I suppose I could swap the smr out for the swn. However I was thinking of trying to fit more smaller modules in here as opposed to swapping out for other big ones. Also yes I do use the easter egg modes on rings and I do like them, I have thought about sticking a 2hp pluck and bell in here to try and make a polyphonic karplus voice using those and rings. I'll ask you the same question, what about a patch suggestion for the rack as it stands? No pressure! Just curious...