Much too long, but give a couple of minutes to get going. Sorry for standing in front of the camera so much :(

New things :
+ Beatstep Pro : this is really good. It is going expand the musical possibilities quite a lot.
- Doepfer suitcase : I like its solidity but it's a bit too big for my space. I may have to trade it for something smaller and skiffier.

Patch notes : the main line is produced by BIA with a bunch of modulation from the Beatstep Pro, with an envelope going to pitch to make the kick sound. There are three copies of this one goes straight into the desk, another goes into a compressor to bring out the the thwokk of the kick, and the third goes to the Font bandpass. The cutoff of Font is sequenced by the Beatstep too. The "cymbals" are Hats909 in raw mode, straight into the desk. This is all pretty static. All the other percussive noises, starting with the little hihats and descending into general madness later, are from the DFAM.