The Rosie got me with the send in/out but the matrix mixer could do it too. I'll dig the output modules.
-- BousierMort

I'm not big on the Rosie or the X-Pan, either. The Rosie just seems like a concession to DJs, while the X-Pan is an expensive solution to a somewhat simpler problem set.

But, if you're really jazzed on the idea of having FX send/return DO know that you can CV that as well, right? Have a look at a few smaller performance mixers...Qu-bit has the Mixology, Toppobrillo has their Stereomix mkii, and so on. What THESE mixers offer are features such as muting, cue sends, CV over level (ie: AC-coupled exponential VCAs), pan and FX send, and the like. Much more capable, and if you toss a Happy Nerding OUT in after it, you then have a second stereo return for FX on that module, too.

This build is on a scale where something of that sort could be very beneficial, even with the (slightly, over the pair of Make Noise modules) expanded size of those. It'll free up VCAs for CV/mod uses, for one thing, plus it adds a bunch of internal "primitives" that, if they were separate modules, would take up far more space than the mixer would in of itself.