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Hi all,

Bought my first modular system a new Doepfer A100 Basic system and look forward to patching and tweaking it with my Make Noise 0-coast and Elektron gear. I have 84HP row free for expansion so been toying with the modules to add once I know the Doepfer modules inside and out this year. I like ambient, techno, and industrial music. So adding unique modules like a fun waveshaper would be fantastic to fill out my first case and to avoid duplicating what my Elektron gear can do. I already have tons of drum samples on my Elektron gear so no need to buy these drum modules. I really enjoy cool light shows and knobs and switches without menu diving and tiny screens. The 4ms Spherical Wavetable Navigator and Spectral Multiband Resonator modules look like endless fun to add to the empty row of space as well as more VCAs and EGs.