Use the rene and then keep changing octaves, use only 6 notes in your progression and make sure to add some blank spots and spaces. also the glide sounds really cool. then make sure with those six notes you use rene to mix it up, change quantization range, reduce notes even from the normal scale.. loop that.

Then for your change, simply slow the clock by 1/4 so it holds each note longer and then while that's going on modulate the hell out of it by hand or with an LFO gone crazy.. then go back to the regular clock, repeat with different envelopes every time too especially on your filters you have at least 3 nice filters so open those using the same envelope (or different) that you open the VCA.

Finally, make sure to use your FM on the oscillators - output a wave from one, to the FM input of another and use that for a crazy solo type thing. just some ideas, nice system! love the size since I have one very similar to it.