Problem is, what you're saying you want to do on this modular you want is way too open-ended a description to work with. There's LOADS of possible modules that fit the criteria for well as loads of other non-modular synths.

Trying to build straight-off is probably not the best place to start from zero, really. My suggestion would be to go and research what makes certain synths suitable for that sort of music. Once you've determined that, then you'll have a much better idea as to where you want to go. Also, look at other existing builds on here by experienced modular users, and see how they approach similar musical issues in their rigs. As you've probably noticed, this is a very complex topic, and one which doesn't have off-the-shelf answers. If you do your research and proceed carefully, you'll eventually wind up with a build that works, but it's worth noting that this could take months of exploration and rerererereREdoing builds on MG to arrive at something functional. But avoiding that level of diligence will almost certainly result in building an unworkable and expensive piece of crap that we'll eventually see on Reverb.