Hello community!

After having built up a little studio over the last couple of years (mainly Sub 37, Analog Four, Analog Rytm, Octatrack, Waldorf Blofeld, OP-1, Kore 2, Ableton with Push 2 and a Scarlett 18i20) I got myself a Mother 32 to give modular a try - as feared i got hooked instantly and ordered a case to start with. Because I really enjoy going out of the basement at times to tweak in the wild and to be able to maybe play little gigs outside I chose an Intellijel 7u 104hp. I also like the thought to combine it with another unit in the future :)

Maybe because I‘m new to this and coming from the DAW I was oriented towards more or less conservative and melodic sounds with dark and wide ambient soundscapes until now but I think the more experimetal stuff could develop after diving deeper into the knobs and cables.

Before knowing modular I listened to Carbon Based Lifeforms, Solar Fields, Aes Dana, Huva Network, Minilogue but also Stefan Bodzin, Worakls and Astrix or James Holden. Now exploring the modular world I really enjoy Colin Benders, Caterina Barbieri or YouTube artists like R Beny, Alan Dear, State Azure and Lightbath.

After watching hours and hours of modular videos I came up with an idea how to fill the first case - not knowing if I produced total bs... I think I will place the Mother inside at first to be sure having everything necessary to start with just to take it out later when the space is needed. My first sketch looks like this:



So my main questions are:

Does this make sense to you having said the things from the beginning?

Did I forget something essential or will I not be able to get a bleep out of it this anyway?

Do I use some modules wich more or less do the same?

Do you recognise modules wich already have successors available?

Are there too many VCO‘s to begin with?

Also the idea of integrating a Circadian Rhythms and some drum modules is tempting, but having the analog rytm I think it would be wise to use the space for filter and effects in the beginning and let the drums come from outside the case - if this makes sense...

Sorry for maybe noobish questions, thanks an awful lot for your advice and nice patching,
