Oh ... you're the 'Ultima Ratio Cascading Clock' guy! That's an awesome-looking module!

I looked at that one closely, but it seems to function best with an external clock. What do you use for a clock generator?

It works fine as a clock generator, you just loose the ability to control one of the two dividers in clock generator mode.
As an external clock you can nearly throw anything in it, a square wave from an oscillator works best.

I'm trying not to front-load too many obstacles to a successful start-up rack, which is why I'm trying to avoid too much DIY, but I did read through the build document, and it looked reasonable. Maybe not as simple as the Super Warp Generator, but pretty approachable.

Do you still have kits available?
-- kismert

I have a couple left. While the build is pretty easy basic knowledge in soldering can not hurt.
I plan to sell some of them next year as pre-build modules.