Frequency Central Shapes
Used Frequency Central Shapes
Shaped Dual EnvVCA (ShEV)
4ms Shaped Dual EnvVCA (ShEV)
Athru Wave Shaper
Instruo Athru Wave Shaper
MultiMod (Pre-Order)
Make Noise MultiMod (Pre-Order)
Neo Trinity - Automatable Modulation Hub
Bastl Instruments Neo Trinity - Automatable Modulation Hub
Simple Skiff - Angle Stands 3U, 6U, 9U
Tall Dog Simple Skiff - Angle Stands 3U, 6U, 9U 3 Sizes
Acronym - Analog Morphing Oscillator
Worng Electronics Acronym - Analog Morphing Oscillator
Make Noise STO
Bastl Instruments Timber
Pingable Envelope Generator (PEG)
4ms Pingable Envelope Generator (PEG)
SideCar - Mixing VCA
Worng Electronics SideCar - Mixing VCA
Kith Ruina - Drive EQ
Noise Engineering Kith Ruina - Drive EQ
Stereo Strip - VC Channel Strip
DivKid Stereo Strip - VC Channel Strip
CM-300 - Contact Microphone
Korg CM-300 - Contact Microphone
Aloysius - Envelope Generator / Complex LFO
Expert Sleepers Aloysius - Envelope Generator / Complex LFO
Ts-L v2 Analogue VC Oscillator
Instruo Ts-L v2 Analogue VC Oscillator
Vector Space
Worng Electronics Vector Space
Buchla Model 285t Frequency Shifter (Pre-Order)
Tiptop Audio Buchla Model 285t Frequency Shifter (Pre-Order)
Spectravox - Analog Spectral Processor
Moog Spectravox - Analog Spectral Processor
Moog Subharmonicon
O/O - 5 Banana Touch Points and 5 Banana Shorting Bars Kit (DIY)
Landscape O/O - 5 Banana Touch Points and 5 Banana Shorting Bars Kit (DIY)
DFAM - Drummer From Another Mother
Moog DFAM - Drummer From Another Mother
Crust - Hard-Hitting Drum Voice
Bastl Instruments Crust - Hard-Hitting Drum Voice
Piston Honda MK III
Industrial Music Electronics Piston Honda MK III