Precision Analog VCO
- Analog Thru Zero VCO
- 1V/Oct Scaling
- dotcom Power Header
- Multi-turn Pot and Counting Dial for 'Frequency'
- Multi-turn Pot and Counting Dial for 'Initial Frequency'
- Sync Input with Variable Sync Depth
- Simultaneous Sine, Triangle, and Sawtooth/Ramp Outputs
- 1V/Oct CV Input
- External CV of Linear Frequency Modulation and Exponential Frequency Modulation
- AC / DC Switch for Linear FM Input
- Level Controls for Linear FM and Exponential FM
- 1% Metal Film Resistors
- Polyester Film Capacitors
- 1/4" Switchcraft Jacks
- MU Format - 2u Wide
This module is currently available.