Erebus Orifice Zerosum Inertia MU

audio signal processor

The Erebus Orifice processes audio signals through a 6CB6 vacuum tube. CV control of feedback is done with a VTL5C3 vactrol.
There are 2 knobs to manipulate the audio signal, top knob controls feedback, bottom knob controls gain.
This module is designed to be mounted in a cabinet and powered by the power distribution method established by
Module needs + 15, -15, and +5 to operate.
The Erebus Orifice is built, sold and supported by Zerosum Inertia.

  • 16 mA +15V
  • 14 mA -15V
  • 150 mA 5V
  • 50 mm Depth

No info about availability.
