
Manufacturer Name Short Description Added
Caleb Condit Jupiter Storm Caleb Condit Jupiter Storm  Cosmic noise oscillator  Feb 2nd 2014, 04:40 
Other/unknown Jupiter Storm Other/unknown Jupiter Storm  Cosmic Noise Oscillator  Feb 10th 2017, 00:40 
Other/unknown Jurgen Haible Frequency Shifter Other/unknown Jurgen Haible Frequency Shifter  Jurgen Haible Frequency Shifter  Jul 20th 2013, 13:52 
Resynthesis Jürgen Haible Triple Chorus Resynthesis Jürgen Haible Triple Chorus  Chorus  Sep 25th 2014, 16:46 
Analog Craftsman Kenton Modular Solo Repanel Analog Craftsman Kenton Modular Solo Repanel    Sep 21st 2018, 22:09 
MegaOhm Klee Sequencer MU MegaOhm Klee Sequencer MU  Sequencer   Jan 6th 2016, 13:13 
Oakley Lag Oakley Lag  Lag processor  Nov 30th 2013, 16:15 
Other/unknown Laurentide SynthWorks - Prodigy Other/unknown Laurentide SynthWorks - Prodigy  Moog Prodigy Module  Jan 7th 2018, 01:27 
Other/unknown Laurutis 960 Sequential controller Other/unknown Laurutis 960 Sequential controller  Arduino DIY 960 Sequential Controller by Laurutis  Jan 2nd 2021, 22:05 
Other/unknown Laurutis LMNC Safety Valve 5U (MU) Distortion unit Other/unknown Laurutis LMNC Safety Valve 5U (MU) Distortion unit  Laurutis LMNC Safety Valve 5U (MU) Distortion unit  Jan 2nd 2021, 22:30 
Other/unknown Laurutis LMNC Safety Valve 5U (MU) Distortion unit +VU meter Other/unknown Laurutis LMNC Safety Valve 5U (MU) Distortion unit +VU meter  Laurutis LMNC Safety Valve 5U (MU) Distortion unit +VU meter  Jan 2nd 2021, 22:47 
Other/unknown Laurutis VCF Polivoks Other/unknown Laurutis VCF Polivoks  Laurutis Polivoks VCF Moog Unit MU 5U Synthesizers.Com Format  Jan 2nd 2021, 21:33 
trouby modular LED Fuzz trouby modular LED Fuzz  Fuzz module  Oct 30th 2012, 16:21 
Other/unknown Leeloo Dallas Multipass v2.1 Other/unknown Leeloo Dallas Multipass v2.1  Multiples Module with Passive Attenuation  Apr 13th 2016, 12:37 
Oakley LFO Mult Oakley LFO Mult    Oct 25th 2012, 21:18 
MegaOhm LFO2 MegaOhm LFO2  Dual LFO  Oct 25th 2012, 21:18 
Rob Hordijk LfoPEnvFilter Rob Hordijk LfoPEnvFilter  Triple LF-VCO | Dual Env | 24dB Filter  Jun 17th 2018, 12:51 
Rob Hordijk LfoPEnvPhaser Rob Hordijk LfoPEnvPhaser  Triple LF-VCO | Dual Env | Dual Phaser  Jun 17th 2018, 12:55 
Rob Hordijk LfoPEnvWsPhaser Rob Hordijk LfoPEnvWsPhaser  TRIPLE LF-VCO | DUAL ENV | VCA-SHAPER - PHASER  Jun 18th 2018, 06:50 
Rob Hordijk LfoPFaderWSPhaser Rob Hordijk LfoPFaderWSPhaser  TRIPLE LF-VCO | DUAL FADER | VCA-SHAPER - PHASER  Jun 18th 2018, 08:01 
Other/unknown LfoPWsPhaserFilter Other/unknown LfoPWsPhaserFilter  TRIPLE LF-VCO | VCA-SHAPER PHASER | 24dB FILTER  Jun 18th 2018, 05:46 
Resynthesis LiquidHH Resynthesis LiquidHH  Noise Source for HH sound  Jun 23rd 2014, 23:30 
Frequency Central Little Melody Frequency Central Little Melody  Clock divider based generative sequencer used to create in-the-moment licks and riffs  Mar 20th 2022, 19:16 LOCKED SAMPLE and HOLD LOCKED SAMPLE and HOLD    Apr 22nd 2018, 12:29 
STG Soundlabs Logic Module STG Soundlabs Logic Module  Logic Functions  Jan 21st 2013, 08:59 
YuSynth Logical YuSynth Logical  AND, OR & NOT logic functions  Oct 10th 2019, 17:31 
Zerosum Inertia Loop Zerosum Inertia Loop  Feedback  May 29th 2023, 20:42 
Oakley Looping ADSR Oakley Looping ADSR  Looping ADSR with integral VCA  Oct 25th 2012, 21:18 
Other/unknown LPG + Waveshaper Other/unknown LPG + Waveshaper  Thomas white Resonant LPG + RomanF waveshaper  Apr 19th 2014, 00:36 
Moon Modular M 502 S Moon Modular M 502 S  Simple >Dual< Voltage Controlled Amplifier  Jan 23rd 2022, 15:41 
Moon Modular M 512 Moon Modular M 512  Audio Interface w/ Envelope Follower and Trigger/Gate Extractor  Jun 4th 2023, 13:58 
Moon Modular M 531 Moon Modular M 531  Voltage Controlled Analog Delay  Oct 3rd 2021, 20:08 
Moon Modular M 532 Moon Modular M 532  Voltage Controlled Phase Shifter  May 12th 2022, 06:17 
Moon Modular M 543 E CP Moon Modular M 543 E CP  Output Mixer Expander  Jul 11th 2018, 00:57 
Moon Modular M 543 E Output Mixer Expander Moon Modular M 543 E Output Mixer Expander  4-channel send/stereo return FX path  Jul 23rd 2018, 16:01 
Moon Modular M 543 Stereo Output Mixer Moon Modular M 543 Stereo Output Mixer  4 Channel Stereo Output Mixer  Jul 23rd 2018, 15:51 
Moon Modular M 543CP Four Channel Output Mixer Moon Modular M 543CP Four Channel Output Mixer    Jul 11th 2018, 02:13 
Moon Modular M 543CP Four Channel Output Mixer Moon Modular M 543CP Four Channel Output Mixer  Four Channel Voltage Controlled Stereo Output Mixer (CP format)  Oct 25th 2016, 17:41 
Moon Modular M 567V Moon Modular M 567V  Universal Programmer w/Display  Dec 3rd 2023, 16:26 
Moon Modular M 569C Moon Modular M 569C  Row Mode Controller for M569v2  Jun 4th 2023, 14:06 
Moon Modular M 590 TL Moon Modular M 590 TL  "Trunk Lines"  Jan 1st 2022, 10:56 
Moon Modular M 590 TL CP Moon Modular M 590 TL CP  "Trunk Lines"  Jan 1st 2022, 11:06 
Moon Modular M 595 Moon Modular M 595  12 x12 Programmable Switch/Summer Matrix  Dec 3rd 2023, 15:53 
Moon Modular M 595 I Moon Modular M 595 I  12 x12 Programmable Switch/Summer Matrix - Input Module  Dec 3rd 2023, 16:11 
Moon Modular M 595 O Moon Modular M 595 O  12 x12 Programmable Switch/Summer Matrix - Output Module  Dec 3rd 2023, 16:12 
Lower West Side Studio M122 Master Divider Lower West Side Studio M122 Master Divider  Clock Divider splits incoming signal into divisions of 2, 4, 8 and 16  Dec 11th 2020, 12:12 
Lower West Side Studio M140 Clock Divider / Universal Logic Block Lower West Side Studio M140 Clock Divider / Universal Logic Block  Combination Time Division / Logic Module  Mar 15th 2021, 07:41 
Lower West Side Studio M141 Clock Divider Lower West Side Studio M141 Clock Divider  Clock Divider splits incoming signal into divisions of 2, 4, 8 and 16  Dec 19th 2021, 20:44 
Lower West Side Studio M142 Universal Logic Block Lower West Side Studio M142 Universal Logic Block  2 Independant Logic Blocks   Apr 27th 2021, 23:12 

Page 13 of 24, total 1178