Yep...the Pam's is a rather different device, allowing for pattern programmability and loads of other tricks. It has major divide/multiply capabilities on clock rates, has Euclidean pattern sequencing and probabilistic skipping abilities (which fit great with your generative ideas), all sorts of internal swing and delay functions...aside of being a really excellent clock gen in of itself. It has everything you need (and more!) to wring every last bit of timing voodoo out of the Varigate, with plenty left for elsewhere in the build.

An oscilloscope has uses in the studio, to be sure...but visualizing waveforms is more of a 'toy' function, not essential. A good musician doesn't rely on whether a waveform looks suitably "textbook" or not, but instead they use their ears. Sometimes that which looks nice and "pure" doesn't have any musical use in a given situation. And yes, I do have an oscilloscope in my studio, but its main use for some time has been as an X-Y display for reading stereo phasing and diagnosing imaging problems, particularly below 200 Hz where there can be real detriments to the sound from misphased audio. I also use it to diagnose noise issues; at high gain levels, I can see any induced noise issues down at very low dB levels and this helps me diagnose noise sources and potential corrections.

Anyway, yeah, this looks great'll be a good match with both the Odyssey and the M32, and if you get something such as TouellSkouarn Triglostek box, you can convert the 808's outgoing DINsync to a modular clock, letting you use the 808 as your master for pretty much the whole rig.