I started of because I had a moog minitaur and I wanted to use something similar to its filter in in stereo. So I bought a mmvcf (which I am selling now btw because I found out that stereo is overhyped lol). 3 years down the rabbit hole I own about 6000 euros worth of eurocrack modules. I have not finished many tracks in the last 3 years but I have played spontaneous live set and I feel that I have vastly progressed in my understanding of electronic music.
And: I am slowly finding my own language in music, unique tones that I like and feel like I own. Big helpers there where wavefolders and the like. Also not trying to emulate classical synthesizer pathways but patching more freely (modules sometimes patch into themselves etc).

Now to the question of adding a Dixie to the mother. A friend went exactly down that road. Needless to say he sold his mother and now has a 2 row 80hp system with the Dixie, ripples, vcf 74, some mutable things etc.
And also: the best 2nd Osc for a mother and the only one that really works to do that: being the 2nd Osc for a mother is... Another mother :).

So tread carefully... :)