On the subject of virtual modular, VCV Rack is really great, free, runs on the most recent version of OS X, and even has a collection of Mutable Instruments modules that you can use.

I am currently building up a hardware rack myself for the first time, but I have found VCV Rack to be a great way to try out certain modules, configurations, etc. to determine whether or not I want to buy the hardware. The software alone, sounds great BTW, I just like the physicality of the hardware rack.

Also, I started out with a Mother 32 myself, and other than the fact that it takes up a lot of HP, I find it integrates well with everything else I have added since and I am not planning on retiring it any time soon.

Also, and my apologies if this is a violation of terms but I searched and it didn't seem to be, I recently started a Slack community for the purpose of real time chat on the subject of all things Eurorack, and as a newbie myself, I have included a getting-started channel. Not much activity in there yet but I mention it in case you might want to join. And bring your friends! :)

Here is the link if you are interested: https://join.slack.com/t/eurorack/shared_invite/enQtMzM0MDIzNDIzNTIxLWVkZjRkYTJmN2M0NGMwNDQxY2IwOThiNTA4NTk0NzRkN2I4ZTEzOTk2MmU0ZWMwYzc1YWE4MzY5NGMyZmU3OTQ

Take care,
