Here it is. I have a few of the modules already (braids, kinks, the LFO and BRST, the power supply and uJack) and have already had a blast experimenting with what little I can.

Overall, I am interested in generative patches, particularly ambient and noise.
The Mutable Instruments modules are pretty awesome in general; played a lot with the ones available in VCV.
This rack has mostly been inspired by Comparative Irrelevance over on YT. His three module series has helped me learn a lot and shown me that less = more.
Some background: I have some experience with mostly virtual synths through Reason; took some courses on MIDI and synthesizers in college, so I have a general idea of what it is all about.
I'm an electronics major and computer guy, definitely something that makes modular appealing to me, along with watching a machine make music with little to no human interaction. Random patterns and all that sort of thing have always fascinated me.