Apologies in advance for another ?wHaT sHoUlD i BuY? post, but here I am... I have done lots of research into modular but still find myself asking questions specific to my situation.

I am here to ask for your opinions on which types of modules you think I'd benefit from, and which types I don't need as much/to start. I plan on making a small modular rig (I don't have unlimited $$ for this) and will build slowly based on my needs. The rack will suplement some of my other gear. I want the rig two have max 2 voices and focus on modulating those VCOs and my Mother 32.

Gear for my modular Setup:
-Arturia Rackbrute 3U, 88hp (minus 5 hp power = 83 hp to fill)
-Mother 32 semi-modular
-Keystep pro

Other Gear in my setup
-Drumbrute Impact
-Minilogue XD

Module I Need:
-Manis Iteritas Alia VCO (I absolutely love the sounds from this module - gritty, industrial, obscure, etc. Plus, it has the built in envelope, which seems beneficial). This is the only module I know that I want to build around. The BIA is an option too, but the Manis has me sold.

Modules I think I should get:
-Pam's Pro Workout (looks immensley useful and I can't think of any reason I wouldn't benefit from it)
-Make Noise Maths (because every single person recommends it and by all accounts seems like a swiss army knife of uses for 20hp
-After Late Beehive Plaits Clone (Hard/expensive to get an original MI Plaits so I'm all for this clone based on mostly positive reviews I've read)

I plan on using this modular rig to supplement my existing setup.
I've got the Minilogue XD for chords, Mother 32 for basslines, Microfreak for whatever else I need, and Drumbrute Impact for drums.

I want this rig to provide lead melodies/arpeggios and atmosphere. Modulate the Manis and Mother 32, and possible the Plaits clone.

-What are some other modules that I should be focusing on for modulation? Or after I get a Maths, hypothetically, should I turn my focus to VCAs?
-How many VCAs do you think I'd need for this type of setup?

I appreciate you taking the time to read through this, hopefully not too redundant beginner post. Thank you in advance to any and all comments and recommendations.
