After some further digging, I'd say the term polarizer is a bit of a grey area in eurorack. When googling, I see several discussions on Modwiggler where people are debating whether the word polarizer is equal to inverter OR attenuverter.
The brand Doepfer consistently uses the term polarizer only in the context of attenuverters.
If search for the keyword "polarize" in the free text input field here to search for modules that have that text somewhere in the title or description, it only shows modules with attenuverters.
On the other hand, if I search for the function "Polarizer", it also shows modules that only have an inverted out and no attenuverter, which is in line with using polarizer as synonym for inverter.

I guess if everybody would agree on only using the terms attenuverter and inverter from now on (and abandon the word polarizer), there would not be any confusion, but that is probably never going to happen :-)