Hello there,

My first post here. Been lurking around and like the positive atmosphere.

To get straight to the point: I've read the post "Why to NOT get into modular synthesis" and I fall into Category 0 called "not having sufficient capital to sustain a build", ha ha. ;) I've studied various options and initially the best one for me (to dip my toes in) seemed to be the Behringer 104 case. However, it's less than 4 cm (1.5") deep which rules out even B. own CP1A power supply (!). The price for a recommended case of 2 x 3U high and 104 HP wide rises exponentially then. Even for a humble 104 HP setup to get started.

I'm a synth hobbyist (I don't make actual finished "music" or songs): I like to experiment. I hate DAW's and even recording DAW-less is too much hassle for me. I own a few cheap but very sweet synths that are dear to me.

However, at the moment I'm suffering, yet again, from a serious case of GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) and I'm barely able to control myself from buying more synths. Most of 'm can do only one trick that the synths in my modest, small, collection can't. It's getting frustrating that I have to shelf some of 'm. But I'll never sell 'm: I'd rather die. Each one fills a certain "gap" or "need" (such as: polyphony, organ, freak machine, quick 'n dirty to setup, drum machine, sampler, choose pre-set and have fun, super portable sit on the couch, etc.).

Anyway, I'd like to finally own me a fat 24 dB/oct filter (like the one in a MiniMoog) but I'll be damned to buy a Behringer Model D only for the filter. I'd like to experiment a bit with sample and hold (The Who anyone?) but I'll be damned to buy an MS-20 or Behringer K-2 for only that (I'm almost unable to control myself concerning the K-2 though).

I'm jealous of people who can buy a small, single, module that'll expand one's setup with functionality like that. And use it in combination with other stuff without shelving one or two synths because of the lack of space in the work/hobby area.

What I'd like to have is a modular setup with at least a Midi to CV module to trigger an EG (I've got more than enough Midi sequencers and Midi keyboards already, I don't want a Arturia Keystep). And then I'd like to input the sound from a synth's oscillator into a modest modular rack to route it to, say, a filter w/ an EG. I don't know for sure if that's possible. I was thinking about the following for example:

I'd like to do the following:

  • Connect my synths' audio OUT (which is triggered on/off by it's own keyboard) (maybe attenuated by my audio device or mixer) into a Eurorack Filter's IN.
  • Connect my synths Midi OUT to a Eurorack Midi-to-CV module.
  • Connect the Midi-to-CV gate (or trigger?) OUT to the EG's gate IN.
  • Connect the EG's OUT (is that CV?) to the Filter CV IN.
  • Route the Filter audio OUT to an amplifier or audio device.
  • Use my synth w/ a different Filter that way.

I don't know for sure if I can use, for example, the Gate OUT of the Cre8audio Nifty Case to trigger an EG (the Nifty manual says you can, on page 6), or that I need a Midi-to-CV module like the Behringer CM1A with a trigger OUT.

I also don't know if I definitely need an attenuator. And I don't know if the Filter modules that I listed really have that "Moog" sound. On a MiniMoog (and any other synth I have) there a knob marked "Intensisty" or "Amount" which controls how intense the filter cutoff is controlled by the EG. I.e. when Int. is set to 0 then the filter is on but not controlled by the EG. Is that an attenuator? Or does the Int. knob on a regular synth amplify (not attenuate) the CV from your EG?

I do know that the Cre8audio Nify Case has too little HP's to most people's liking, but it has on-board Midi-to-CV and a VCA so it can be directly connected to a mixer or audio device. That'll save me HP's and money. What I also like about it is its portability: could be the ideal friend for a synthesizer.

And after dipping my toes into modular I might even buy me a proper case if I get addicted (sell the Nifty Case).

To make a long story short: I'd like to expand a synth with a modest Eurorack setup. Is that doable?