I'm looking to replace a eventide space and a volca kick. I have a Moog mother 32, a subharmonicon, a cyclone tt303 and a Korg ER1.

I enjoy making live stuff in the techno, electro, IDM end of things (much love for mindcolourmusic, central processing unit, old rephlex, warp and the like) but have gotten into patching between the two moogs. Things like using the sequencers on the subharminicon to effect the filter cutoff and resonance of them for example, sending random CV to cutoff, sending the subH into the sound in on the mother. Also enjoying the ring mod on the Korg.

The ER1 is weak in the kick department so I got a volca kick which works really well and frees up the other 4 oscillators for percussion and other sounds. It takes up desk space though.

I put the three synths through an Eventide Space. It can get muddy but I use a send and return on my mixer to increase and decrease the reverb for each one. Again it's another box with cables in and out of the back.

Question, if I sell the eventide and the volca kick, can I get a kick module and some reverb for the three synths inside of a Doepfer A100 84 hp case. It would allow me to streamline the set up and when I have more more cash I like the idea of adding more filter, LFO or other modulation in the future.