Hi community

A few years ago i found an AKAI synthstation25 keyboard somewhere in the trash.
I never expected that i will find a use for this but recently i tried to create an eurorack module with it's keyboard.
Within a few hours i successfully built a fully functional eurorack keyboard on the breadboard with:
- 1 output jack for CV pitch
- 1 output jack for CV gate with LED indication
- pitch bend potentiometer +/- 1 octave
- another potentiometer for +/- 2 octave shift
- beeing a class compliant midi controller as well (polyphonic for possible usage with hermod's usb host jack)

Next thing i am going to do is creating a prototype PCB and a frontplate (~50 HP)

But before that i should have finished my decision which functionality will be included in the final product.
there is some space left on the frontplate (~15 mm x ~150 mm) where i could add controls for any further features (jacks, potentiometers, leds, switches).

I dont want to build a feature packed keyboard (like keystep). i just want to use the remainig space for something useful.
Currently i have no clock + reset input so "sequential/arpy" features should be avoided

Does anyone have an idea which functionality would make sense?

my ideas:


for low frequency oscillating around the current note pitch
no additional jacks needed
- 1 potentiometer for speed/lfo frequency
- 1 potentiometer for amplitude


for keeping the gate open until the next note hit
no additional jacks needed
- 1 LED switch