Thread: Melivora

I am very open for inputs and comments. I was thinking as well what do you think of the endorphins furthrrrr generator? Is it maybe better to get rid of it and get some smaller VCOs because of the space limit here.

-- Melivora

The size is a definite drawback. As is the price. If you want to stay with the West Coast oscillator architecture, it seems far more sensible to go with the source of this idea: Same idea, but $578 cheaper and 12 hp smaller. Two of those would fit into 36 hp, which is the Furrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrthhh's width plus 6 more hp.

The other stumbling block here is the Queen of Pentacles. For one thing, it eats up yet another 30 hp. Secondly, it's got that same cost issue; if the 909 sound is what you need, just go and buy one of Uli's RD-9s and save $320, then lock it up to the synth's clock (or come up with your own clock distro solution). Plus, kicking THAT one out altogether will open up plenty of space to fix the "voice vs utes" issue here. You can also then go with a smaller sequencer that only handles CV/gate, instead of the extra drum channels here. Or, why not go with a Beatstep Pro or Keystep Pro? The former gives you two CV/gate channels and a pile of drum sequencing "lanes", while the latter adds a keyboard to that, more or less, and neither take any cab space that could be used for something NOT available as an outboard device.