• And one empty slot. I plan to put a powered Multi in there
    -- Ravenware

I had a good laugh imagining our dear Lugia reading this line

But in all seriousness, I don't understand the goal here... Is this intended to be a build that lives on its own, in which case why go for such a small case and a buff mult ? Do you really intend to use the gates from the M32 sequencer as is to trigger the pingable LFO or completely disregard the pingable aspect of it ?
Or is this supposed to be part of a larger setup, in which case why is that information completely missing from here, greatly reducing the interest for others users of this forum ?

Someone asked off-line how I was going to finish out this rack module. Three more modules;
-- Ravenware

Did someone really ask you offline ? If so, why did you chose another communication channel to answer their question ?

I wish you would celebrate logical and critical thinking instead of Lugia's enthusiasm to try and help people around here...

--- Voltage control all the things ---