Chainsaw does sound pretty cool, I almost went for it, but felt like the Ensemble Oscillator was a better choice for me, and I probably won't need both. Probably ? Oh no, not again ! :-)
Anyway, I currently have a patch going involving the EO and Dual Dagger, brother is it delicious-sounding stereo goodness, it's butter made of notes moving from one ear to the next - unless I start turning the Cross-FM knob on the EO, also known as the "Summon The Demons" knob, then I'm going navigating into the 7 circles of Hell :-D The Dual Dagger would be a great choice for you, a great alternative to the QPAS I believe you already own (and very different beasts, of course) and it's also pretty useful for the reverse use case, to make a mono signal animated in stereo...

--- Voltage control all the things ---