If you're not buying modules because of aesthetic reasons... what are you doing man? Is it going to mess up your instagram pics? #blessed #justmodularthings Choosing fashion over function is not recommended. You'll miss out. You're shooting yourself in the foot because no one else is using your rack.

And online rating systems have been ruined over the past decade. Amazon, Walmart, Yelp, etc. For every 1 good review, there are several bad or disingenuous reviews. Every time a Behringer module is posted on MG, people rush to give them a 1 star and then they pat themselves on the back, "I saved modular synthesis! Hooray!" But in reality, they've just contributed towards making rating systems worse as a whole. i.e. Ratings should be taken with a huge grain of salt.

In other words, the Dreadbox Chromtic line is great! :) People love Dreadbox's desktop synth line-up. So it's nice to have an affordable, fully-modular version. And after a while, you won't even notice the aesethetic. The function is the important part.