If you click the "show more" in the Product Features of the product page, you'll see a url (not even a properly working hyperlink) to the Plaits github repo, but that's it. I bet their lawyers said that was sufficient, but that's disgusting as far as I'm concerned.
-- benirose

The second bullet point under Product Features at the top of the page directly credits "Mutable Instruments Plaits sound engines". Don't be a hypocritical cork sniffer here. This thing isn't even out yet, and has 73 one-star reviews. Yet the Antumbra Plaits clone, which doesn't even try to add any additional firmware, has a 4.52 rating. Absurd. People are so blinded by their Behringer hate that they're ignoring more severe slights against MI by dozens of other manufacturers. But they don't care, because they get a micro Plaits and can continue to say they don't use any Behringer gear. Lol these people don't give a d*mn about open source integrity.