Hi Gabor,

Oh that's a nice start of your track that sound, that introduction, nice touch!

I am always amazed to watch your videos, how can you be so creative and keep coming up with such interesting things? :-) Making it yet perfectly in harmony with the sound! :-)

Lovely jam, thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.
-- GarfieldModular

Thank you, again, for your feedback, Garfield ☺️ This time the images
were captured first, I just loved
those tulips + tested my new phone’s cam. The music came two
weeks later and when I finished it
I realized the tulips belong with the tunes and the concept of “from
colorless to color” kind of
presented itself to me ☺️

Thanks again and all the best :)

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.
