I have tried without success to log on/ renew my membership for Muffwiggler but keep getting rejected.

So I am writing this here concerning problems with the Tiptop uZEUS Power Supply and in particular the panel switch.

I have experienced the same problems as other people with regard to intermittent presence of the three LEDs, believing that modules are incorrectly plugged in, especially as I use a combination of Eurorack and Analogue Systems modules.

I think I may have a solution,but need to confirm it in practice:-

Most of the modules I have assembled or purchased ready-built that contain toggle switches, use a nut to tighten the switch body to the front panel. However, the uZEUS power switch has a smooth barrel, and therefore there is some degree of movement which may be causing stress on the solder joints behind the panel.

I will be replacing the switch with a threaded version and will report the results in due course.

Mark Elliott
United Kingdom