Guess I will NEVER be buying anything they allude to ever in my life!
-- Kel_

But what do they allude to ? I don't even understand what he's on about... What are those "classics" I never heard of ? What is a website drop, what are Astroworld hoodies ? What about fellow "ragers" ? The world of the intellectually challenged is so mysterious !

Even more curious is how the guy created an account here on the 17th, and even went as far as to create 2 empty racks (takes a few clicks, you can't really automate that), then waited a full week to post something, only to post a failed copy-paste (how do you fail a copy/paste ? Another mystery here straight from the lands of the brainless) which won't be driving anyone to anything because there's so much failure here one couldn't make sense of it even if one tried.

I choose to believe that he's in fact a secret agent working for the aliens and using this forum as a way to communicate with other agents, the above is clearly a coded message. The mention of Astroworld gave it away...

--- Voltage control all the things ---