, I've been using the BSPs I've got for five years now. And Korg's just NOW coming out with an answer to it? Again, something's rotten in the Prefecture of Shizuoka...I would've thought they'd have been first with this, frankly, given their experience with the excellent Nano series open-ended controllers. And why do another be-all-end-all workstation like the Nautilus when you've got the Kronos out there already...except to sell "new stuff" to the gullible music public?

Winter NAMM (or whatever's going to serve as it) promises to be interesting this year in the Korg booth...I know that quite a few retailers aren't happy with them right now, and if they continue to make mis-steps, they'll start to find their dealers starting to jump ship, sort of like what happened with them c. 1990 and that period where they kept coming out with the SAME synth over and over and over again!