Ok, you definitely have a good point. I got a question on this topic: would it be a good idea to drill a hole in the case to allow air to circulate better?
-- Startics

Nope...try to avoid messing with the integrity of those Moog skiffs. They're pretty beasty, and drilling into them would sort of waste that.

But what I WOULD suggest as a solution, since the Row 25s have so much "uninvolved" panel space, might be to add a little heat sink of some sort to the front panels of each one. That way, heat that could build up on the front panel (many little P/Ss do this...the uZeus, in fact, has a little warning about the excess heat on the front panel) would instead be dissipated. And since metal transmits heat better than air, that ought to draw the heat off admirably. Just make sure to use a little bit of the same sort of heat transfer paste you see used to seat heat sinks in computers before epoxying the heat sinks down...heat paste in the middle, epoxy bits at the ends, and that should be golden.