That's a bit concerning. Considering the fact that I would have to remove some other modules to make room for a built in mixer like from WMD or Qu-bit. I like the idea of Bastl's Ciao! being the EOC module to make sure the signals that pass through are set for other devices to handle: appropriate level and appropriate signal type.

I like the idea of Qu-bit's mixer since the externel one I have can be used to EQ it along with my other peripherals and instruments. Speaking of, I do have a skiff from before. I use it for controllers, like Pittsburgh Modular's KB-1 and pressure points for a more hands on touch to they system, but, admittedly, I rarely use since I just prefer to clock Maths and Just Friends and allow the patch to run off of them.
I wouldn't have an issue replacing those controllers with these mixing tools, and I help keep the 9U case as is while also freeing up space for some more modules in it. Would that be a good plan to start?