1 U
Current Draw
? mA +15V
? mA -15V
$412 Price in €

No info about availability.

The Control 66A is a new idea for creating simple modulation shapes or as a source for fixed voltages. Each of the 4 channels has identical controls: Record activation switch, knob and output. In start up mode with no switch activation the output is a fixed voltage between 0-5V+ as set by the knob level. Fixed voltages can be used in a variety of patches as offsets for CVs or as a level for switching or crossfading etc.

The more important and interesting function of the 66A is as a knob recorder. Activating the REC switch arms the channel to record movements made by the knobs. Each channel can independently record up to 40 seconds of "twiddling" per record event for a total of 160 seconds sampling time across 4 channels. Depressing the REC switch a second time stops recording and immediately plays back the voltage sample from the start point and loops it. Moving the knob cancels the playback loop and returns the knob to state of fixed voltage level control. The cycle is repeated for more recording.

Recording CVs or events in this manner provides a simple yet versatile method to generate LFO shapes, CV patterns, sweeps for filters or other evolving controls due to the long sample time available. Of course short single cycle loops are also very easy.

LEDs indicate the level of output by intensity both in fixed and playback modes and flash to indicate record activation.

People familiar with the CV Recorder will notice some conceptual similarities between the two modules. The main difference here is there is no provision for external sampling and instead only the Channel knob movements are recorded and stored.

Other features include a RESET input which allows a clock or pulse to reset all recorded loops to start for synchronization purposes and a MEMORIZE button that enables the user to store all recordings before shutdown to EEPROM. Data is automatically restored on power up.


submitted Dec 24th 2016, 15:46 by modulargrid | last Change Dec 30th 2016, 14:04 by jvt

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Found Sound

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?