The Disting is a multi-function module. It can do LFOs, but I wouldn't depend on it as a primary source for LFOs.

There are many dedicated LFOs out there. Which one to select is entirely up to your own tastes. A simple LFO is direct and easy to use. You can go more complex like Xaoc's Batumi with a Poti expander for example. More complex LFOs allow you to restart the LFO's cycle and/or sync them to a clock source. You may also find others with additional or different features.

Your Maths has input channels that will allow you to attenuate or even invert the LFO (attenuverter)... channels 2 and 3 can do that for you without running through the slew aspects of channels 1 and 4. But you may want to have at least one dedicated attenuverter if you want to use the Maths for a different set of functions.

I have the Xaoc Batumi and like it... but you may want to explore other options as its a bit on the expensive side.